日本的電影檢查委員會 Eirin (Administration Commission of Motion Picture Code of Ethics) 傳統上對於銀幕上有關人體性器官的展現採取相當堅硬的立場,一般都會要求製片業者在底片上弄上馬賽克讓性器官不被看到。

《俘虜》(Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 得過不少大獎的導演大島渚 (Nagisa Oshima) 就曾經因為一九七六年飽受爭議的影片《感官世界》中的性器官的畫面而與日本的電影檢查委員會 Eirin 交戰長達十餘年。

大島渚宣稱他的影片是一種藝術,但 Eirin 堅持認定那部影片是色情片所以整部片幾乎被剪得精光。即使五年前(周星星註:應該是二○○○年)《感官世界》曾再回戲院上映,它還是被 Eirin 動了十五個地方。

在日本,上一次曾經在大銀幕上裸露性器官的畫面,是一九九九年奧利佛史東 (Oliver Stone) 的《挑戰星期天》(Any Given Sunday),在片中一位美式足球的男球員的陰莖曾很快地、很短暫地出現在銀幕上(周星星註:在更衣室、澡堂那兒,Cameron Diaz 勇敢地闖進去要跟 Jamie Foxx 說話)。

但是,八月下旬《金賽性學教室》(Kinsey) 在日本放映之後,日本觀眾將有機會一瞥完完全全未被噴霧的性器官,而且是男性的跟女性的都有。


一向對於性器官跟陰毛的展現採有堅硬政策的 Eirin,這一回對關於美國性學博士阿耳弗雷德金賽 (Alfred Kinsey) 的傳記影片讓了一步。

一位 Eirin 的發言人《週刊郵報》說:「那些裸露的鏡頭並沒有在銀幕上持續很久,而且最重要的是我們最終決定認可那些裸露的鏡頭並未觸犯 Eirin 訂的規章。」

《金賽性學教室》講的是金賽在一九四、五年代針對大約一萬八千位美國白人的性行為所作的學院式研究的故事。金賽後來把他的研究成果發表為《金賽性學報告》(The Kinsey Report)(周星星註:一九四八年),成為他揚名全世界的名著。

《金賽性學教室》中出現裸露性器官的鏡頭發生在萊姆尼森 (Liam Neeson) 所飾演的金賽向一些大學生解釋人的交配行為。這鏡頭旨在描寫金賽一生之中最足以撼動整個地球的那一刻,因為它讓金賽了解既有的性教育是非常地不足夠,也因此讓他蒐集更多的資料以輔助他對改革性教育的訴求。

一些日本的性教育人士希望《金賽性學教室》能展現更多,而不是只是身體的一小部分。「性器官被展現的那個鏡頭完全無關猥褻。事實上,我認為它讓人知道當時的金賽到底有多嚴肅。這部片不只是講金賽的生活,它也帶來附加價值,告訴我們怎樣對現代的性觀念作更精采的討論。今天,其實並沒有很多像金賽那樣的學院派性學家。所以,不管我們對於性觀念已經變得如何地開放,卻依然有很多領域持續是禁忌。」日本最有名的性學家 Kim Myung Gan 《週刊郵報》如是說。「如果這部片能夠以不被噴馬賽克的方式上映,那就有機會加深討論性教育的程度。而且,這部片勢必將建立先例,告訴我們『性』該怎麼樣被人們描述。」翻譯:周星星

Exposed genitalia makes breakthrough on Japan's silver screens

Japanese moviegoers will finally be able to see fully exposed genitalia on the silver screen for the first time ever later this month, according to Shukan Post (8/12).

Japan's Eirin, the name commonly used for the Administration Commission of Motion Picture Code of Ethics, has traditionally taken a hard line against the display of reproductive organs on celluloid, requiring moviemakers to blot them out of view by using a digital mosaic.

Renowned director Nagisa Oshima, who was at the helm for "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence," was involved in a decades long battle with Eirin over the depiction of genitalia in his controversial 1976 flick "In the Realm of the Senses."

Oshima claimed the famously revealing movie was art, but Eirin insisted it was pornographic and censors sliced through the movie. Even when given a re-run in Japanese theaters five years ago, Eirin still make adjustments to 15 parts of the movie.

The closest genitalia have come to being screened publicly in Japan was the briefest of glimpses of a male member that pops up when two football players clash in Oliver Stone's "Any Given Sunday" in 1999.

But, with the Japanese premiere in late August of "Kinsey," local moviegoers will get their first unadulterated glimpse of both male and female reproductive organs.

"We discussed it quite a bit internally before deciding the scene where the organs appear is really important for the overall movie and that we wanted it to be screened uncut and without a mosaic," a spokesman for Shochiku, the distributor of "Kinsey," tells Shukan Post.

Eirin, which has a strict policy of prohibiting the display or genitalia or pubic hair, has bent when it comes to "Kinsey," a biopic of U.S. sex academic Alfred Kinsey.

"It's not on screen for long and, overall, we decided that the scene did not touch on Eirin's regulations," a spokesman for the movie ethics committee tells Shukan Post.

"Kinsey" tells the story of the academic's study of the sexual practice of some 18,000 white Americans in the 1940s and '50s. The academic later wrote up his findings in "The Kinsey Report," which made him famous throughout the world.

The scene in "Kinsey" where the genitalia are displayed features Liam Neeson as the title character explaining the reproductive act to a group of university students. The scene is depicted as an earth-shattering moment in Kinsey's life because it prompts him to realize that existing sex education is insufficient and he begins his study to find data to back up his demand for improvements.

Japanese sex educationalists are hoping "Kinsey" will reveal more than mere members.

"There's nothing dirty about the scene where the genitalia are displayed. In fact, I thought it showed how serious an academic Kinsey was. This movie does not just show Kinsey's life, it also has the added value of sparking discussion about modern sexuality. There aren't too many academics like Kinsey nowadays. And, no matter how open we've become about sexuality, there are still many areas that remain taboo, "Japan's foremost sexologist Kim Myung Gan tells Shukan Post. "There's a chance that showing this movie without a mosaic may deepen discussion about sex education. Hopefully, this movie could establish a precedent for how sexuality is depicted." (By Ryann Connell)

August 5, 2005

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